Rsync Tricks

scp and rsync are the two popular commands for copying files between devices. You can use it for copy, synchronize or backups.


scp is good to use but if the connection between a server and a client disconnect in the middle you have to start copying over again. It doesn’t synchronize This is the command for using scp

scp -r src/location server:destination/location


rsync is very power full software For copying, synchronizing and backups files by commands line.


Checkout this wonderful article Linux rsync command with practical examples


rsync -options source destination

Basic usage:

rsync -azv src/location username@server:destination/location

Options: –progress: View progress while synchronization –delete: Delete on destination if not in source -e ssh: Over SSH

Tricks: Non-interactive password authentication with SSH:

sshpass -p 'password' rsync -avz --progress sshpass.tar.gz [email protected]:/tmp/

Include and exclude options

rsync -avz --include 'P*' --exclude '*' user@server:src/location  /dest/location

Use rsync with cron job to automatically backup your files.

$ contab -e

To backups every 1 hour, type this line. Check cron configuration for more details

0 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync --delete -azv src/location username@server:destination/location > /dev/null

Optional: You could first make a comprised file with a date before backup

0 * * * * cd src/location ; /bin/tar -czvf name_of_comprised_file-`/bin/date +%a`.tar.gz src/folder > /dev/null


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